The NRI Nation's Ethics Policy

The NRI Nation is a news media company that is committed to producing journalism for and about the global Indian diaspora community. Upholding the highest standards of ethical journalism, our newsroom focuses on accuracy, fairness, and impartiality. This comprehensive ethics policy outlines our commitment to key principles and serves as a guideline for journalists, editors, and staff members.

Core Principles

Accuracy, Corrections, and Amendments:

a. Ensuring Accuracy: Our newsroom prioritizes accuracy in reporting, and all journalists must verify facts before publication. We are committed to dealing cautiously with rumors or unverified claims.

b. Corrections: If errors are discovered, we correct them promptly and transparently, appending a Correction(s) note to the affected content. We encourage our audience to notify us of any inaccuracies or errors they encounter.

c. Amendments and Clarifications: Should additional information become available post-publication, we may add context or clarifications as needed, appending a Clarification(s) note. Readers can easily contact us about corrections or clarifications through various channels, including emailing us at

Independence and Transparency:

a. Political Independence: The NRI Nation is politically independent and unbiased, and does not endorse any political party, candidate, or ideology. Our editorial decisions are not influenced by external forces, including investors, sources, subscribers, or business partners.

b. Financial Independence: We maintain financial independence and transparency, disclosing potential conflicts of interest and avoiding any funding sources that may attempt to influence our editorial decisions.

Diversity, Inclusivity, and Fairness:

a. Commitment to Diversity: We prioritize diverse sourcing and representation in our stories, fostering a newsroom that reflects various perspectives and backgrounds. Our coverage aims to reflect the diversity of the communities we serve.

b. Inclusivity: Our journalists approach their work with honesty, respect, independence, impartiality, and a commitment to inform. We are committed to addressing any instances of discrimination, harassment, or bias within our organization.

c. Fairness: We seek fairness and balance in our stories by providing context, analysis, data, and diverse viewpoints. We practice "no surprises" journalism and reach out to sources for comment when their opinions or input are essential to the story.

Unnamed Sources and Attribution:

a. Unnamed Sources: Unnamed sources are limited to instances where vital information cannot be obtained otherwise, and their credibility is thoroughly vetted. The decision to use an unnamed source must be approved by the editorial team.

b. Attribution: We ensure original sourcing in our stories and attribute information and images to their original sources when necessary. We also maintain transparency by indicating when we have reached out to key sources and have yet to receive a comment.

Visual Content and Authenticity:

a. Photo and Video Editing: We prioritize the authenticity of visual content, avoiding distortion or misrepresentation of situations. All visual content must accurately represent the reality of the situation.

b. Plagiarism and Fabrication: Plagiarism or fabrication in any form is strictly prohibited. Our journalists ensure the authenticity of all content and do not engage in practices that compromise the integrity of our reporting.

Conflicts of Interest and Integrity:

a. Avoiding Conflicts: Journalists and staff members must avoid conflicts of interest that could compromise the integrity of their work. Any potential conflicts of interest, including personal or financial relationships, must be disclosed to supervisors.

b. Unavoidable Favors: If certain favors are unavoidable as part of the reporting process (e.g., attending an early screening of a movie we must review), the granting of such favors does not influence the ultimate tenor of our reporting. These instances must be disclosed and approved by the editorial team.

c. Gifts and Special Treatment: Journalists and staff members must refuse gifts, favors, fees, free travel, and special treatment that may compromise integrity or impartiality.

d. Political Activities: Staff members must avoid engaging in political activities that could compromise the perception of their impartiality. This includes, but is not limited to, making political donations, endorsing candidates, or participating in political rallies.

Privacy and Legal Considerations:

a. Privacy: We respect the privacy of individuals and handle personal information with care and consider the consequences of publishing such information.

b. Legal Considerations: Our journalists and staff members must adhere to all applicable laws, including those related to defamation, privacy, copyright, and fair use. We consult legal counsel when necessary to ensure compliance.

Funding Sources

The NRI Nation has received funding from Harvard University, International Center for Journalists, Google News Initiative and LION Publishers. The NRI Nation is currently owned by our team.


Our comprehensive ethics policy serves as a foundation for the high standards of ethical journalism that The NRI Nation is committed to upholding. By adhering to these guidelines, we ensure that our reporting remains accurate, fair, and impartial, fostering trust and credibility with our audience and the communities we serve.

The NRI Nation